Instant Motivation (Online Session)
Get sh!t done, daily!
Service Description
Motivation: The reason you get shIt done. And everyone’s triggers are different. But the honest fact is motivation isn’t a ‘real’ thing. So while I’d love to just give you a ‘secret formula’ or ‘magic pill’ I can’t. So what I’ll do for you instead is this. I’ll work with you for 90 minutes (per session) to help you: - Explore your motivational strategies - Focus on what matters - Create tactics that bring instant motivation when you need it

Cancellation Policy
Any cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to your planned session start time will result in 100% of your session fee being retained. Any cancellations made less than 72hrs, but more than 24 hours prior to your planned session start time will result in a % of your session fee being retained. All sessions cancelled with 24 hours, or more, notice will be fully refunded.
Contact Details
60 Fernwood