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Available Online

Become a non-smoker (Online Session)

(Literally) Breathe new life into your future...

2 hr
From 60 British pounds
Phone/Skype/Zoom/Facetime/Video Call

Service Description

Smoking is an addiction like any other and like all addictions there’s chemical and behavioural elements to it. I can’t offer you nicotine replacement. But what I can offer you is a session that will help you: - Experience the benefits of being a non-smoker - Choose better things to spend your money on - Overcome the urges that will occur from time-to-time - Enjoy life without nicotine IMPORTANT: These sessions aren’t any use to you if you’re ‘thinking about giving up smoking’. I’m not here to help you try. You can do that yourself without wasting your time or money. If, however, you know you want to be a non-smoker immediately, read on…

Cancellation Policy

Any cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to your planned session start time will result in 100% of your session fee being retained. Any cancellations made less than 72hrs, but more than 24 hours prior to your planned session start time will result in a % of your session fee being retained. All sessions cancelled with 24 hours, or more, notice will be fully refunded.

Contact Details


60 Fernwood

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ALS Coaching is a brand name of Apples Learning Solutions LTD
©2023 ALS Coaching

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