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What's the point in coaching?

Writer: Andy ApplebyAndy Appleby

So this is a question I get asked a lot - usually by people who have heard about coaching, or they've experienced it at work but don't really understand the point. Or believe they will achieve everything they need in life without assistance so don't think a coach is right for them.

So I'll start with what coaching actually is

Coaching is something that can be applied to almost any situation, in any location, at any time. It's a process that works because it first looks at where you are right now, defines what your goals are and then creates and follows a plan that is perfectly tuned to get there.

Think about a sports-coach, or fitness coach. On day one the job is to discover the reality of right now. How are you performing. What's working well and what isn't. And the next job is to define goals and milestones. In sports and fitness this often works in the way of having long term goals, like winning an Olympic Medal and then short term goals or milestones that are progressively closer to the long term goal, like achieving a specific score, time or distance in your field.

Coaching is a framework and approach that is specific to the outcome - what you want to achieve - and provides regular opportunities to reflect, check progress and adjust to suit the situation.

The same general principle and techniques apply to all coaching. People choose coaching for all sorts of reasons and here's some of the reasons people have reached out to me in the past:

  • Mindset Management - things like reducing your stress, managing your feelings of anxiety and helping you create a positive mindset

  • Achieving specific goals in life - like achieving fulfilment and being content in your life or truly valuing the important things in your world

  • Problem Solving - how you can be better at it, in any situation

  • Career Development - like being the best in your field, finding your new job or launching your new business venture

  • Physical Health Management - Like improving your fitness or managing your weight

  • Mental Health management - How to develop personal strategies to deal with your specific mental health challenges

  • Communication and Relationships - How you can communicate clearly and build meaningful and beneficial relationships

  • Skills Development - Working to master your specialist skill

  • Behaviour Change - Developing your positive habits and changing one or more of your personal behaviours

Notice how varied that is? That's because my training, skill and expertise is focused on developing a process, empowering clients and using techniques that are proven to make success more likely, regardless of the goal.

Back to the main question in this post - what is the point of coaching?

Well it's simple - coaching is all about you It's about what you want, it's about unblocking and removing your limiting beliefs, developing your positive behaviours and doing things that will help you live your life, your way.

Even more, it's about having a partner who has your back. Someone who helps you discover ways to unlock your true potential and to help you maximise your performance and success.

The point of coaching is that you have an expert who knows how to objectively identify areas you can exploit for improvement. You have someone who is there to challenge your own limitations, your own assumptions and your excuses so you can break through anything holding you back.

This means that you get to focus on developing your skills, your mindset and your attitude and when you need someone adjustments your coach is there to give you the advice you need to smash it.

So why should I choose you to be my coach? What makes you so good?

Firstly, I don't deal in bullshit. If your life is already perfect, or you want someone to simply tell you what to do, then you're better off speaking to another 'coach' - though I'd argue that anyone willing to just tell you what to do isn't a coach, they're a liar.

Secondly, my job, as a coach, is to understand you, what you want to achieve, get to know what techniques are most appropriate for you and then walk with you every step of the way as you achieve the goals you're ready to achieve.

What I do works because I'm not offering you a one-size-fits all approach. I'm not offering you an easy solution either. I'll work with you because you're prepared to put in the time and effort to live the life you want, in the way you want to live it. I'll work with you because you know that everything we focus on is specific to you, your situation, your goal and your success.

What else makes me so good? Well, I've been in your shoes. I've had a number coaches over the years, whether that be to help me overcoming personal challenges, develop my career or improve my physical well-being. So I know how it feels when you're working with a coach who really doesn't care and is just farming out recycled 'words' to make the money. So I refuse to work like that.

Even more, having started out in this field over 15 years ago, I have the benefit of also being an expert in Learning theory, principles and practices, in addition to being an expert coach.

And I've coached and developed individuals who are overcoming some major personal and career challenges. I've implemented global coaching programmes in some of the worlds largest businesses and created bespoke learning programmes for senior executives in some of the best known companies in the world - to help them become better leaders and better coaches.

So when I say I know what I'm doing. And I know what I'm talking about, it's because I do. But I don't know everything, and I'm far from perfect. So I'll be honest about that too.

Just know that when you choose to work with me, you'll get the support you need, in the way you need it, without the bullshit.

I'm not a P.T. I'm not a Psychologist. I'm not 'Guru' and I'm certainly not Doctor. What I am is the person who's going to help you realise how amazing you are, how you can achieve anything you set your mind to and how unstoppable you can become.

Okay, so now what?

You already know the answer to that question. Click 'Get in touch' at the top of this screen and you've made the first step towards success.

If you'd rather find me on Facebook or give me a call - the details are at the bottom.

The only thing stopping you now is you. And if you're stopping yourself. Why is that?


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